Seasonal Allergies in Dogs and Their Treatment

Seasonal allergies in dogs, also known as canine allergic rhinitis or hay fever, are allergic reactions that occur in response to specific environmental allergens. These allergens are usually present in the air during particular seasons, hence the term “seasonal allergies”. Common triggers for seasonal allergies in dogs include pollen from grasses, trees, and weeds, as well as mold spores.

Symptoms of Seasonal Allergies in Dogs:

Symptoms of seasonal allergies in dogs can vary, but they often include:

Itching and scratching: Dogs with seasonal allergies may exhibit intense itching, particularly around the face, ears, paws, and underarms.

Red or watery eyes: Irritation and inflammation in the eyes can lead to redness and increased tear production.

Sneezing and coughing: Dogs may display respiratory symptoms such as sneezing and coughing due to the irritation caused by allergens.

Runny nose: Nasal discharge is another common symptom of seasonal allergies in dogs.

Ear infections: Dogs with seasonal allergies may be more prone to ear infections due to increased moisture and inflammation in the ear canals.

Licking and chewing paws: Dogs may try to alleviate their discomfort by licking and chewing their paws, leading to redness and sometimes secondary infections.

If you suspect that your dog is suffering from seasonal allergies, it’s essential to consult with a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis. The vet may perform allergy testing to identify specific triggers and recommend an appropriate treatment plan.

Seasonal Allergies in Dogs and Their Treatment

Treatment Options:

Treatment options for seasonal allergies in dogs may include:

Antihistamines: These medications can help reduce itching and other allergy symptoms.

Corticosteroids: In more severe cases, vets may prescribe corticosteroids to manage inflammation and provide relief.

Immunotherapy (allergy shots): This involves exposing the dog to small amounts of the allergen over time to build up tolerance.

Topical treatments: Shampoos, wipes, or creams can be used to soothe irritated skin and reduce symptoms.

Environmental management: Minimizing exposure to allergens by keeping the living environment clean and using air purifiers may help alleviate symptoms.

It’s crucial to work closely with your veterinarian to determine the best course of action for managing your dog’s seasonal allergies and improving their quality of life.

Types of Seasonal Allergies in Dogs:

The following allergens commonly cause seasonal allergies in dogs:

  • Grass pollen
  • Tree pollen
  • Weed pollen
  • Molds and yeasts
  • Dust mites and storage mites
  • Fleas, causing flea bite dermatitis

Causes of Seasonal Allergies in Dogs:

A dog suffering from seasonal allergies has an immune system that is hypersensitive to specific allergens in the environment. When allergen levels become high, the dog’s immune system becomes activated, leading to an allergic response and the development of symptoms.

Seasonal Allergies in Dogs and Their Treatment

How Veterinarians Diagnose Seasonal Allergies in Dogs?

Seasonal allergies are diagnosed based on physical examination findings, symptoms, and a history of recurring symptoms and infections during the same seasons each year. To arrive at a diagnosis of seasonal allergy it is necessary to also exclude other skin diseases that can cause similar symptoms, such as skin mites, fleas or a food allergy.

“If fleas are found on a dog with symptoms of severe itching, redness and hair loss, a flea allergy is diagnosed and the dog is started on effective flea and tick prevention therapy and anti-itch medications to see if the symptoms resolve.”

Treatment of Seasonal Allergies in Dogs:

Seasonal allergies are a chronic condition, meaning there is no cure. However, there are ways to treat and manage symptoms to keep your dog comfortable, including:

Year-round flea and tick prevention such as NexGard®, Simparica®, Bravecto®, Seresto® collar and K9 Advantix™ II

Anti-itch medications such as Apoquel®, Cytopoint®, and Prednisone are prescribed to relieve any current itching and to manage itching during flare-ups. If the itching can be controlled, the dog will remain comfortable and will be less at risk of secondary skin infections.

“Once allergy seasons are determined for a dog based on previous medical history, anti-itch medication is started one month before the allergy season begins and continued one month after the allergy season ends.”

If the itching is not completely controlled with anti-itch medications, you should wear an e-collar or recovery cone to prevent your dog from licking and chewing on his own body.

An omega-3 fatty acid (fish oil) supplement, such as Welactin®, Vetoquinol, or Dermaquin®, will protect the skin barrier and minimize allergy symptoms.

“An omega-3 fatty acid supplement can also help with anal gland problems for dogs who tend to need their anal glands expressed more frequently during allergy season. It takes four to six weeks for an omega-3 fatty acid supplement to become effective, so a dog with seasonal allergies should take this supplement year-round.”

Regular ear cleaning can help clear a current ear infection and reduce the frequency of future ear infections. If an ear infection is present, treat it and clean the ears according to your veterinarian’s recommendations. When there is no infection, clean your dog’s ears with a regular ear cleaner, such as EpiOtic® Advanced, regularly throughout the year (typically every two to three weeks for maintenance).

Ear medications, such as Mometamax®, Posatex®, and Tresaderm®, are prescribed to treat bacterial and/or yeast infections in a dog’s ears. After treatment, be sure to schedule a follow-up appointment with your veterinarian to double-check that the infection has resolved.

Oral medications are often necessary when a dog has a skin infection on multiple areas of the body. Antibiotics, such as clindamycin and cephalexin, are prescribed to treat bacterial skin infections, while antifungal medications, such as ketoconazole, are prescribed to treat fungal skin infections, such as yeast infections.

Topical therapy can be used to soothe the skin and help in the treatment of skin infections. There are many topical treatment options, including antibacterial and antifungal ointments, shampoos, conditioners, mousses, sprays, and wipes. Ask your veterinarian which topical therapy would work best based on your dog’s allergy symptoms and current skin condition.

Seasonal Allergies in Dogs and Their Treatment

Recovery and Management of Seasonal Allergies in Dogs:

Seasonal allergies are not only frustrating for dogs but also for pet owners because they are not treatable. Fortunately, though, with seasonal allergies, symptoms can be managed by knowing which seasons trigger a dog’s symptoms and starting treatment before the start of each allergy season. Anti-itch medications should manage itching during each season so that the dog does not scratch, lick or chew the skin, which can lead to secondary skin infections.

“Cleaning your dog’s ears every two to three weeks throughout the year with a regular ear cleaner is important to minimize the risk of him developing an ear infection. The ears should also be cleaned after the dog has bathed or participated in an aquatic activity, such as swimming, to remove water inside the ear canals.”

Giving an omega-3 fatty acid supplement every day year-round can also provide skin support. Management of seasonal allergies is usually lifelong, unless a dog is able to move to an area where the allergen causing the reaction is no longer present.

Monitor your pet for the following symptoms throughout the year:

  • Itching (scratching, licking, gnawing, chewing)
  • Shaking your head or poking your ears or eyes
  • Any skin lesions (such as redness, crusting, thickened or black-pigmented skin)
  • Odor on the skin or ears

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